How Do You Clean A Smoked Stain House Interior?

Smoking stains are caused by multiple things. They are difficult to remove and make your spaces dirty. Learn how do you clean a smoked stain house interior.

Smoking can leave hazardous stains on your house’s interior. Are you surprised? Smoking can also stain various home equipment. 

Smoke stains can be left by natural fires, such as fireplaces, or accidental fires. Smoke stains can become too stubborn to remove. So, how do you clean a smoked stain house interior? 

Learning the accurate way helps you make your space clean and worth living.

How Do You Clean A Smoked Stain House Interior

How Do You Clean A Smoked Stain House Interior? Soot And Smoke Removal

You must consider the following factors: How do you clean a smoked stain house interior?

Removing Loose Dust And Soot

Start the cleaning procedure by vacuuming with the HEPA filter. The first step involves removing loose soot and dust from all flooring, focusing mainly on walls and ceilings. To proceed with liquid cleaning solutions, always use a dry microfiber cloth to clean the surfaces.

Cleaning Walls And Ceilings

The solution requires equal amounts of warm water and vinegar. Soak a sponge in your cleaning solution with equal vinegar and warm water mix for wall and ceiling decontamination. 

Stubborn Stain Solution

Baking soda mixed with water forms a paste that you can use for challenging surface stains. Dip a stain with the paste solution and wait for 10 minutes before you clean it. 

Heavy Smoking Stains Hack

You can also use a TSP cleaner. Use one tablespoon of TSP per gallon of warm water. This cleaner is suitable for heavy smoking stains. Wear gloves and wash the surfaces after cleaning.

Clean Windows And Mirrors

Smoking stains can also make glass surfaces hazy. A spray bottle containing vinegar and water will remove any build-up on building surfaces. The vinegar and water cleaning solution should be followed by a microfiber cloth.

Cleaning Home Equipment

Vinegar and water create a solution to eliminate smoking scents when cleaning hardwood and tile floors effectively. To eliminate smoking odors from carpets, apply baking soda to the carpet surface and wait one hour before vacuuming thoroughly. Then, vacuum thoroughly. You can also clean deep stains with steam. Also, wash and clean your furniture and soft fabrics.

Eliminate The Smoking Odor

The household smell improvement requires setting vinegar and baking soda bowls strategically throughout the house to trap odors. Keeping house doors and windows open while using fans to diffuse fresh air through the space. Utilizing an air purifier will give you a better experience during this time.


To conclude, how do you clean a smoked stain house interior? You have to follow different steps and clean multiple things for this process. Stains can prove stubborn during removal, so extra care and protection are required.  Contact Green Cleaners LLC to clean a smoked stain house interior.

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